Who I Am

My name is Heather. I am a working, blogging, sarcastic mother of two, wife of one. I like show tunes, brownie batter, and Ralph Macchio. I have an above-average husband, the Dude. We've been together since 2002, and married since 2005. He is 4 years older than me and I remind him of that every chance I can. We have two handsome, ornery, sweet, ornery, daring, active, exhausting, ornery boys. Currently D2 is 4 and B-dubs is 3. They are 14 months apart; I've only heard "someone was busy" about 8342 times.

When I was in college, I used to toy with the idea of writing a book. I mean, I was already writing about 12 papers a semester anyway; how could a book be any harder? About the time I was turning 30 I started to really reflect on the challenges and  experiences I've had and how they have shaped my outlook on life. While I watched post after post from classmates on FB expressing fear and dread over turning 30, I embraced it. I had been waiting for this birthday since I was 16. I like to say 30 is the only year where my mental age will match my chronological age. (I intend to keep it that way too!) Well, writing a book apparently is much harder than a college paper. Blogging seems to be a happy medium. Thus, 30 on life was born.  Each week As often as I can, I hope to bring you my perspective on a different topic.

In my very, very  limited down time, I also enjoy scrapbooking, painting, and other crafty things. I will post some of my creations from time to time too.

Please feel free to comment on any post (but please keep it civil), and share on your social media of choice. You can also find me at https://www.facebook.com/30onlife. I always welcome emails also at hmryan80@gmail.com.

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